Talk It Out

         After months of hesitation,I finally did it. I told everything to my mom my sufferings,what I wanted to do and what I am going through right now.My lovelife had been in chaos lately because of the postpone engagement in the previous month that I don't have much courage to brought up the topic again to my family. Maybe my bf and I got tired of our situation that we want to clear things out and of where our relationship is heading to.I  got tired already of the drama, of understanding the situation and of the pressure my bf is giving me. Maybe all these things gave me enough courage to tell my mom our intention of getting married.However  I could not get a positive response from mom. My bf and I planned to have the wedding secretly but a mutual friend of ours advised us to tell my mom about this. I myself doubt if I do it, if I could betray my family this way. So I decided that no matter what happened I should tell my mom.I should talk it out.So I go home and set the date wherein both our family could talk. During that time, I told them our plans and how we want to do it. With God's intervening power all things run smoothly.My mom agreed as well as my brothers and sister and the wedding date was set.Now,  I am getting married with one week left to settle things up. I hope things will go well. Thank you Lord for making it easy for me.


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