Business Logo

       I always wanted to have my own business and to have my own business logo. An attractive business logo will surely attracts everyone’s attention. It gives a partial impression as to what the business is all about. In choosing a logo you must stick to what is commonly used by other business with the same products as yours. It could be as simple as the spelled out letters of your business name or the custom logo design.  As what I have observed, businesses like banks have for a logo the simple written letters of their acronym varying only on the font style chosen. The company where I am employed which is engaged in banana exporting has mountain, sun, and plant pictures in its logo. Television networks engaged on entertainment commonly uses star, heart, circle or the simple acronym of the network’s name while those engaged in news stick to the formal type which is the acronym letters of their networks name as their logo. Restaurants on the on the other hand uses utensils, food, fruits, chicken, beef or pig pictures as their logo. Flower shops use flowers, trees, bees and leaves pictures on their logo. So, you see even though how small your business logo is, it is very important in giving an impression as to what your business could offer.    


A good business logo can say many things about your business. So it is advisable to take some time to think and come up with a unique logo that would represent your business to people.
Boyd J said…
It's definitely important to pay attention to details even as minute as your logo when starting a business. Consider insurance as well.

buy business insurance
You have to think of a logo that is very catchy for your target customers, so everytime they see the logo the first thing they come to their mind is your business.

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