Frustrated Gardener

      I like plants and I have the green thumb for it. I have grown few plants already and some trees. I also have magazines and books about gardening. Mostly of the write ups are from other countries like home and garden uk which are very nice to look at. My brother bought those books that when I saw the images on those books I also dreamed to be able to grow those plants.
      I really love plants and  I like it when there are plants in places where I usually stay. One time I bought a small plant and brought it in the office. I took care of it everyday. When I resigned from my job, I brought that little plant with me and never really gave it even if my former co-worker really wants to have it. I brought it home and it is the only plant in our house since we are only starting out as married couple. Though the plant is very little, it still manages to sprout another branch in its little pot. I am so happy to see that little plant and I am really looking forward to see it with so many little branches. When I was employed to work again in the city, I forgot that little plant to bring with me. After a couple of months, my husband hesitated to tell me that my little plant withered. I want to scold him because he let it withered but he told me that it was attack by ants. Ants live on the roots that my little plant didn't survive. It is very frustrating to know that after almost everyday of watering it, it still didn't last long. I think that is my third indoor plant that didn't survive. Better luck next time frustrated gardener. ('_')


Making Dips said…
Nice blog thankks for posting

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