Lost Office Chair

        It is almost two weeks since the last time I sat on my own office chair which was provided on the first day of my job. I was lucky to be able to be provided by the company with all new things like table, office chair, computer and other office things needed. In other companies, the set up is different wherein new employees would settle to use pass on things used by former employees of the company. I am happy to be able to use new things at the office but few weeks ago my office chair was replaced by other employees with an old one. I don't know who replaced it or what is the reason behind this incident. I looked for it on the first floor of our  office and there was none like it so I assume someone really made an effort to carry it on the second floor. So I settle to use the old chair. When one of my co-worker already resigned I already informed her that I will have her chair which has the same design with my former chair. When I returned back after a long weekend during the holidays, her chair is missing in our room. Now, I must get used to this old, noisy and squirky office chairs. Hope in the coming days my lost office chair will be returned. 


jocy said…
Anything in life worth having is worth working for.visiting back.
researcher said…
Success is never ending, failure is never final.happy wednesday.
This is a common scenario in our office as well. You can’t be assured that you will be using the same chair for your entire service as your co-workers can mix things up in different shifts. Luckily, I was promoted, and was given a chair that no ordinary employee is allowed to use.

Office Cubicles in Miami
Great read, thanks for writing this

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